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Little Jazz Link Monster

By Carlos Lichman

Hi people!!!!

A new exercise called "Little Jazz Link Monster". Well, I use some jazz links and a chromatic scale! You will use sweeping picking and alternate picking! You can see and listen to this exercise in my first instructional guitar video called "Improving Your Musical Fundaments" (coming soon!!)

See you! Keep On Touch!

Carlos Lichman

Site: http://www.lichman.hpg.com.br

"Little Jazz Link Monster"




Previous Articles...

Philip Booth reviews the best music books of 2002
Muddy Waters - A Biographical Sketch, by L.Morgan.H
Review of Joe Satriani's "Strange Beautiful Days" (Epic), by Philip Booth
Review of Brian Bromberg's "Wood" (A440 Music Group), by Philip Booth
Review of Bad Brains "I and I Survived" (Dub), by Philip Booth
Carlos Lichman Lesson 1 - Alternate Picking
Carlos Lichman Lesson 2 - Music Theory
Carlos Lichman Lesson 3 - More Music Theory

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