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Welcome to the Guitar Lessons Pro Articles. Here you will find articles on a variety of subjects ranging from CD and concert reviews to guitar tips to bios on famous artists.

Over the next several weeks we are going to have the pleasure of learning from Brazilian guitarist and teacher Carlos Lichman.

Carlos Lichman is a guitar player from Porto Alegre, Brazil. He has been playing since 1996.

He has played in many rock, progressive and heavy metal bands in night clubs all around Rio Grande do Sul state.

He recorded the "Wake up the Dragons" album with Neverland (heavy metal). This album was praised by many Brazilian magazines.

Playing with many musicians from his city, Carlos arranged the songs for his first 2 song solo demo called "Planet Rock", recorded in December 2002.

The demo style ranges from speed metal to hard rock, with influences ranging from Mr. Big to captivating blues riffs and licks.

Subsequent to the release of the "Planet Rock" demo, Carlos began arranging new songs for his first album. He is also producing his first instructional guitar video.

Carlos teaches guitar lessons, workshops, plays gigs, writes columns for the Guitar-Heroes web site (France) and The Shred Zone (USA).

Contact Info...
Carlos Lichman
Rua Tenente Ary Tarragô, 1990/405- bloco 'C'
Cep: 91225-001
Phone: 0(xx51) 3344 1745
Site: http://www.lichman.hpg.com.br

Without further delay, let's get into the lessons!

Carlos Lichman - Lesson 1, Alternate Picking Patterns

Hi! Everybody around the world intends to have a fast picking style,
trying to play many notes very fast, well when I was a little boy I wanted to be Impellitteri.
Well, here you can see and study some alternate picking lessons.
There are 20 exercices here in this lesson. 
You can put them in your exercices, doing them day by day.
you need to begin slow(80 bpm)
I hope you enjoy!
Don't forget you need to study them with distortion guitar and clean guitar!

Alternate Picking Lesson

u upstroke
d downstroke

  d u d u etc


  d u d u



  d u d u etc

4.Here you can see some ideas of melodies!Play slow and fast!  
|----------------------------||  |-------------------------||
|---------------8------------||  |-------5--6--8--6--5-----||
|-----7--9--10-----10--9--7--||  |-5--7-----------------7--||
|-10-------------------------||  |-------------------------||
|----------------------------||  |-------------------------||
|----------------------------||  |-------------------------||




7.This a hard one.






9.Using escales together                                   

10. This is good!








15.These are to help you in your left hand!



17.To help you in 3 first strings!









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